Apollo’s Hegemony NALT is a dietary supplement containing L-tyrosine processed with the use of acetylation – N-acetyl L-tyrosine (NALT), characterised by great solubility and high assimilability in the organism. Additionally, the preparation is enriched with vitamin B6, which reinforces its nootropic properties.
The main mechanism of the preparation consists in increasing the levels of catecholamine neurotransmitters – dopamine and noradrenaline, which helps to enhance psychomotor and cognitive functions as well as stabilise the mood, especially in states of fatigue and great stress.
NALT is a perfected form of L-tyrosine, which is an endogenous amino acid involved in the productions of catecholamines (dopamine, noradrenaline), melanin, and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4).
As a substrate for the production of neurotransmitters, dopamine and noradrenaline, NALT helps to optimise the functioning of the nervous system. Dopamine is a noradrenaline precursor. It is responsible for the sensation of pleasure and euphoria, affects learning and remembering processes, coordinates the functioning of muscles, and controls motivation activities. Noradrenaline, similarly to dopamine, affects memory, a good mood, and the process of focusing.
Deficiencies of those neurotransmitters can be a reason of distorted motor, mental and cognitive functions, racing thoughts, slower information processing, and memory deficits. NALT prevents the deficiencies of the neurotransmitters and in that way, it protects the organism from their dangerous consequences.
NALT also participates in the production of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4), whose deficiency can cause low tolerance to exercise, general weakness, a lower mood, sleepiness, and problems with maintaining normal body weight. Moreover, it takes part in the production of melanin – the colourant present in the skin and hair that protects them from the harmful activity of ultraviolet rays; it also exhibits neuroprotective properties.
To sum up, Apollo’s Hegemony NALT is a dietary supplement whose beneficial properties will affect particularly fatigued, weakened, and distressed people. The preparation is recommended especially for improving concentration, the mood, and the efficient reduction of fatigue before an anticipated stressful situation, for example an exam, a job interview, or a tournament.